Tuesday, February 5, 2013

the latest haps

Still sick. Now I have a cold or something. I'm seriously starting to think that 2013 is not going to be the best year. I'm superstitious when you start a year off poorly. Whatever...I'll just take more zoloft and call it a night. :)
Besides being sick, here's what I've been doing...

Saw this movie with my hubby yesterday. I want to see it again and again and again. It's beautiful and messy and honors all of the broken wonderful things about being human. Loved. 
(this poster for the movie I do not love...kind of hate it that they left the eyes in color. It's distracting, no?)

Thank you Traci for turning me onto this show. I don't really watch sitcoms (besides friends reruns, Big Bang Theory, and Modern Family...oh wait, maybe I do watch sitcoms!), but this is so wonderful. I watched the entire season in 3 days so now I'm all caught up and have to wait for the next episode to be on tv. 

Loving the Lumineers! and

Of Monsters and Men...both are folky, yet modern, beautiful and sweet.
Watching the Lumineers on SNL brought me to a new level of appreciation for their craft. 

Reading this...funny and an easy read.

Also reading this, because I feel about a thousand years old and need to update my style/wardrobe to work with this older body.  I had gotten in the habit of throwing on jeans and a graphic T and calling it a day. Nothing wrong with that, but when you work from home and don't have to dress up ever, it's a very short walk to frumpville. 

I have also been organizing tax stuff, walking the dog, drinking lots of coffee, and throwing in a few shoots now and then....mostly magazine shoots, which I don't post here, because I never know what I can and can't post (I don't want to post something that will be published until it's published and then by that time, I forget to post it...must work on that. )

Anyhoo, happy Tuesday. It's my favorite day of the week. I hope you have a good one. ;)

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