Thursday, July 16, 2009

A few thursday things

1. While I love birds, if the little bird that wakes me up every morning at 4am doesn't stop, I will be forced to start practicing my rubber band shooting. I would do the bee bee gun route (BB? Bebe?), but knowing me, I'd end up shooting through my neighbor's window. (or shooting an eye out...and we all know, it's all fun and games...)

2. My son is growing like 5 inches a day. His feet are close to my size (not an easy task...I have skis for feet). Need to document this. His feet, I mean. I still haven't documented much this summer...of our family, summer things, daily stuff. Not sure what my problem is besides the gentle change that has occurred while our kids are getting bigger. No longer am I taking images of them working on a puzzle or learning to ride a bike. They are PEOPLE now. They have their own lives. It's different some how. And I need to take pictures of the change...but I'm struggling with it.

3. I have some special custom pendants to make, some memory cards to buy, and some decisions to make for what I will wear at the wedding I am shooting next week. I bought some kick-a$$ black wedges to wear so that I could wear my kick-a$$ black pants (that need heels) and I wore them around yesterday. One thing became very clear: Those wedges will be the death of me AND my camera if I wear them to a wedding. I don't know what I was thinking...I need to be FLAT. I fall while wearing doubt I would end up falling into the cake on these suckers! So, do I get some kind of stilts or something for my awesome pants? Or do I just buy pants that can be worn with flats? I know...big decisions here.

4. I am getting a massage this afternoon. (AWESOME massage therapist!....if you need one, let me know. She is the BEST) I am looking forward into falling in deep peaceful bliss while having hot stones on my back and listening to the waterfall on the wall. (can you hear the water?....dreamy)

5. I am attempting to grow succulents. On my dining room table. A little rock and succulent garden. They say that you should let them go bone-dry for a week before watering them. This is the hardest part...not watering. I water our bamboo every stinkin day. I'm nervous about starving these little succulents. Only time will tell. :)

6. I am thinking about having a giveaway here for one of my check back over the next week. :) Have a great Thursday everyone! Take a picture or two.

1 comment:

dawn said...

where are you getting massages?

what should I wear to the wedding?

I miss you!