*slept until 9am
*I'm still sleepy
*thinking about Farrah Fawcett and how she died with more dignity and respect than she had most of her life.
*grateful for Yoga Download. For the price of a latte, you get a yoga class on your mp3 player to do as much as you like.
*happy that my next few photo shoots are in the morning...seems like we have an endless supply of afternoon thundershowers.
*wishing my friend, Libby, a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
*listening to Sondre Lerche...might need to switch to something more up-tempo
*need to get on with my proofing
*hating the sound of the constant hum of the air conditioner...but wouldn't trade it in for the world.
*grateful that our kids are so independent
*missing how small they used to be
*need to pull out my camera and document more of our summer before it's over.
Okay, time to get on with things. And trust that I will get into a good working groove this afternoon. :)
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