Sunday, May 13, 2007

While we were in church today, they announced that one of the guitar players was going to Marine Boot Camp on Tuesday, then on to 29 Palms, (and then my husband thinks probably off to Iraq).

I looked at my husband and whispered, "He's just a baby!"

My husband said, "honey, no one goes INTO the Marines looking like a man."

At which point I burst into tears. I don't even know this young man, whose hair is already shaved...all I was thinking about was saying goodbye to my own son, with no guarantees on how it would all turn out.

So, in light of Mother's Day, why don't we take a moment and pray for all the mothers out there who said goodbye to their sons and daughters who are faithfully serving us overseas. And pray for their safe returns. Happy Mother's Day everyone!

1 comment:

Tawn said...

dh's first employee - and friend joined the Army a year ago. He trained to be a COMBAT MEDIC. It's what he wants to do - but I am thankful so far, he has not been deployed there. He's serving "active time" in the DMZ in Korea which is scary enough... His mom and I are friends. She's so proud of him...but doesn't want that call, you know? It occasionally hits me - being the mom of 3 boys, that they will have to register with Selective Service some day.